Filipinos have a President, a real President, one that they are proud of

I finally feel that I need to speak up.

There has been much in the press lately about newly elected Philippine President Duterte. Most of what is said focuses on his policies toward the illegal drug problem, and his direct (to put it mildly) comments to other national leaders, particularly to US leaders. The world's press responds with concern, even alarm. In the Philippines, he is immensely popular. As an American who has lived here in the Philippines for 30+ years, I think I understand why.

Allow me to explain. First of all, the facts. 1) Americans almost never take culture and other cultures' viewpoints and values into consideration. Almost never. That explains nonsense foreign policy and constant misunderstanding. 2) Americans are one thing; the American government is something different. Generally speaking, Americans are liked here. Generally speaking, the American government is grossly arrogant and condescending, and is often despised because of it. 3) Other nations and cultures, in this case the Philippines, are fed up because of #1 and #2.

Along comes a man like President Duterte. He is not a "ruling class politician". He tells it like it is, no political gibberish. He identifies problems and tackles them head-on. He knows where he is going, and doesn't waste time dancing with the stars. And he is not afraid. He is going after the illegal drug trade, which means going after politicians and large segments of law enforcement and military.  He is going after chronic problems that have been perpetuated by established political practices that served only the masters and not the nation.

Fiipinos have a President, a real President, one that they are proud of. And rightly so.

He is engaging China, not challenging China. He has to. It's the largest nation on earth, only 400 miles away, has a massive army, and pretty much controls the economy of SE Asia. Why not depend on the Philippines own 'relational intelligence' and the art of negotiation, of which Filipinos are masters?

No more is the day that the nation says, "We are suffocating under a blanket of drug addiction, corruption, a government that doesn't care - and we can't do anything about it." Yes, the Philippines can do something about it. The national attitude has changed in only weeks. The nation is standing, is standing on it's own, and is looking at other nations eye-to-eye. Peers. A sovereign nation among sovereign nations.

Then along comes a few international organizations and the press: "You can't do that - respect the rule of law!" Then comes the American President (see #2 above) saying the same thing. Well, whose rule of law are we talking about? (see #1 above)  Missed bomb runs in Afghanistan are just "collateral damage", but a fierce fight against crime is a violation of human rights? So President Duterte calls the American President on his hypocrisy and arrogance. Filipinos cheer. They have a President who demands respect as an equal.

Just today, after more statements about President Duterte's anti-crime actions and human rights, the Philippine Foreign Minister says, "[The Philippines} cannot forever be the little brown brothers of America." The CNN writer commented, "The phrase is used in the Philippines to refer to people that are trying to act like they're American."  What a laugh - that's the equivalent of believing 'the finger' is really a Hawaiian peace sign. That's what Foreign Minister Yasay was saying: "Stop looking down on the Philippines, stop treating us as inferiors, stop telling us what to do, and while you're at it, go take a long walk on a short pier." But, being Filipino (masters of relational intelligence), he said it in a nice, diplomatic way - so much so that the audience probably did not realize what he was really saying (see #1 above).

Filipinos cheer again. "We are a sovereign nation. We can and will clean up our problems. We will take our rightful place among the nations that we should have taken a long time ago. All we ask for is a little respect. treat us as brothers - equal brothers."

I feel really good about living here.

(PS - When Mr. Duterte's term is finished in 2022, can we Americans borrow him for a while?)

John Parsons as posted on Facebook.


  1. Very well said Mr.Parsons,I just hope that the international media.,the UN,the CHR will catch and understand the real sentiments of the Philippine populace and not Base their opinions on the press releases of the corrupt politicians,the biased media and please oh please don't meddle with the internal problems of the country as you you don't really know the real situation.We the people are happy with how our newly elected president tackles the mess that the administration for the past 30 years have neglected.Button off and Thanks.

    1. First of all i salute you and thank you so much for your genius remarks to our dear president to his wonderful works and how he stand firm on our philippine sovereignity..well said and well done..that finally a concern foreigner expressed his deep thoughts about the cancerous problem of our country..i wish and i hope that you blog this internationally that all nation on earth open their eyes and their mind esp we filipinos...that to have this brave president has to be love , to be embrace and to be supported but not to condemn..once again we love you and we admire you so much for your concern, your care and inspirational piece of intellectual belief and faith towards our leader .mabuhay..

  2. A big thank you Mr. Parsons on behalf of all Filipinos craving for change and a chance to live peacefully in our own country.
    People like you who truly understand the root of our country's problems give us strength to fight for what is just and right.

  3. Finally, coming frm an americans mind n heart, who understands the real situation,n believe in fil master in the art of negotiations..its tru americans dont understand other cultures viewpoint unless he lives there..Thank u sir for this very enlightening opinion about filipinos..Am proud of my PRESIDENT DUTERTE gives me a sense of prideness wherever i go..i dont care if they think bad about him as long as deep in my heart,i know am proud to be a FILIPINO bec of him..

  4. Finally, coming frm an americans mind n heart, who understands the real situation,n believe in fil master in the art of negotiations..its tru americans dont understand other cultures viewpoint unless he lives there..Thank u sir for this very enlightening opinion about filipinos..Am proud of my PRESIDENT DUTERTE gives me a sense of prideness wherever i go..i dont care if they think bad about him as long as deep in my heart,i know am proud to be a FILIPINO bec of him..

  5. Thank you Mr. Parsons. Very well said.

  6. I pray that your article will come across the international media community and clear the cobwebs in their heads! Thank you sir! ����

  7. Oh boy, thank you for articulating what most of us have in our hearts. I couldn't have done it as eloquently as you did. Many thanks, Mr. Parsons.

  8. It is indeed more than overwhelming Mr Parsons' gesture that other Filipinos are still not realizing that "better change" is coming. Thank you Sir for this message is really a great eye opener for everyone.

  9. It's so refreshing to know that there's still some Americans who truly understand the sentiments of the Filipino people. Thank you so much Mr. Parsons.

  10. But the Americans want Filipinos to be ashamed of him.

  11. Thank you Mr. Parsons for sharing your sentiments about our president and all the things he wanted to do for our country. Indeed, your strong words will enlighten other Filipinos to realize that our president is doing his best for us and the next generation.kudos to you Mr. Parsons!

  12. many thnaks to you mr. parsons for coming out at the right time. i hope CNN and international media will read your post and be enlightened and realize their mistake of judging our president based on our local biased media and words of corrupt, drug-coddling politicians. president duterte is what we, millions of filipinos are waiting for so long and we will support him all the way! may God bless you and may God bless our president!!!

  13. very well said Mr. Parson....... the problem really is not the American people but the policies of the American Government towards the Philippines! Filipinos do love the Americans, as well as all the other races, as basically Filipinos are not racist and tends to embrace and love all races. It is the American Government's policy towards the Philippines that should be changed! It's refreshing to know that there are Americans who shared the Filipinos sentiment!

  14. I am proud to be a Filipino. I am proud of my race. I am proud of my president..PRRD.

  15. Thanks Mr parson I'm really feel the changes in the Phil and I very proud to my president duterte but its many oligarchy and hypocrisy in the Phil's

  16. China is in the process of annexing the the Philippines. Wake up people. The world isnt cheering Dueterte, it's laughing at him. The guy will set the Philippines back 40 years.

    1. Wanna make a bet that it wouldn't? Duterte is being respected worldwide, particularly by strong political leaders who appreciate real patriotic heads of states, and nationalists.

  17. I think we need hum in Australia first

  18. As an American who has lived in this country for the last 20 years, I am more excited about Duterte than most of my filipino brothers and sisters. My children are both duals. I am very excited for their future. For the first time since I have been here,I see a future for this country to take her rightful place in this world. I believe that 20 families have literally stolen the future of this country. All are household names in this country. ALL elected over and over and over again by the electorate. I believe that Duterte took the correct position in dealing with the Americans and the world community at large. My hopes are that all these patriots at the end of the day remember whose mess this really is and stand by the greatest president who ever ruled here. Support him, make the country great, but it has to happen from the inside out. Remember you've controlled the country since the mid 40s. Let the colonists say what they say, I believe the next generation is going to be more important than this one. My hopes are Duterte will show the world and the next generation there's another way to do this........God Bless The Philippines

  19. Isaiah 60:22 "A little one shall become a thousand, and A SMALL ONE A STRONG NATION: I the LORD will hasten it in his time."

  20. Thank you Mr. Parsons expressing your honest and straightforward views about Pres. Du30. The Filipino people in our country and those who are OFW's are supporting the new President. He has given us PRIDE and HOPE!

  21. I respect and admire most of what he is doing for the country, except that "war on drugs" non-sense.

    The most powerful nation in the world has spent more than a trillion dollars and 40 years fighting the cartels and have accomplished nothing to lessen the drug trade. It seems like this administration has grand delusions about it's drug war.

    There are better and smarter ways to go about it than killing people.

  22. Thank you, Mr. Parsons. Very well said.

    We stand behind our President and we support his war on drugs, corruption and criminality. We want him to win this war for us and for our country.

  23. If Americans don't understand us (or, won't; see#1), there's REALLY nothing we Filipinos can do about it. No use waiting for the "right" US President, too (actually, we thought Obama was "it" but wasn't in reality; but we maintain our friendship w/ the Americans whom we count as our friends - #2 again - too it seems to be straining MY relations w/ my FilAm friends!Bottom line: We strike out on our own - with American friends, fine; if alone, good time as any!!

  24. Salamat po ng marami! I respect the new Philippine President and may God help him in everything that he needs to do for the Filipino people.


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