The Philippines: Product of a deliberate selection of faulty genes?

The Philippines is an academic case study in dysgenics. I spent perhaps my first year in the Philippines refusing to believe what my eyes told me: that a large fraction of the population are made up of borderline retards. It was just too frightening to admit the truth.

The causes are quite obviously as you describe: a deliberate selection of faulty genes, coupled with all the best ones leaving the gene pool.

I know we’re both going to get screamed at for these posts. In my defence, I’ll offer Exhibit A: a young lad in his 20s who is employed at the local DIY store to open and close the door. That’s his job: opening and closing the door. I’ve never seen him do anything else.

Now, is he doing this because there is no other means for him to earn a living? Or could it be that, in fact, opening and closing a door is the only thing he’s capable of without messing it up?

And it’s not just him.

– Slack-jawed “assistants” in stores, who don’t know what products they sell or what those products are for;

– Store managers who just don’t know how to avoid the perennial “out of stock sir” situation;

– “Security guards” whose job is to stand around doing nothing all day, or prodding customers in the kidneys;

– Banks that can’t carry out the most basic financial transactions, and whose ATMs are endlessly “offline” or empty;

– Lawyers who don’t know the Law, or can’t perform the most basic legal tasks;

– Engineers who would have failed high-school physics in any other country;

The list is endless. I have met a few clever Filipinos. However, most of the people I interact with day-to-day are hopelessly incompetent.

I feel terribly sad when I see people like the door-opening guy. I guess he wasn’t born the sharpest tool in the box, but no human being should be employed in a job that could be done equally well by a motion sensor and a motor. I wonder what he could have been if he hadn’t had been brought up by stupid parents and stupid teachers, on a diet of junk food? He wouldn’t have ever got his astrophysics PhD, I’m sure, but maybe he would have been a great mechanic, or plumber, or racecar driver. But nobody ever told him: “That’s not good enough. Do it again, better this time”.

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[Photo courtesy Petapixel.]


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