Media coverage of drug killings in Philippines not really news but more of PROPAGANDA

Why is there so much media coverage on extra-judicial killings now compared to the Aquino administration, when the killings were already happening during Aquino’s time?

Because these media reports are not really about the killings, but about propaganda. The media don’t really care about solving the murders, they are only exploiting the issue to destroy Duterte’s reputation.

Here is the latest salvo: another high-ranking UN official has lambasted Duterte on human rights.

"The President of the Philippines's statements of scorn for international human rights law display a striking lack of understanding of our human rights institutions and the principles which keep societies safe," [United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein] said. 
"Fair and impartial rule of law is the foundation of public confidence and security. Empowering police forces to shoot to kill any individual whom they claim to suspect of drug crimes, with or without evidence, undermines justice. The people of the Philippines have a right to judicial institutions that are impartial, and operate under due process guarantees; and they have a right to a police force that serves justice."

Let’s hope Duterte and his communications team have realized by now that he is being baited, and he should not walk into the trap. These people are purposely trying to rile him up so he will go into another rampage and they can gather new explosive quotes and footage for another round of negative media stories.

This UN statement has an extra element: the UN official is challenging Duterte to invite UN representatives to the Philippines to conduct an investigation. If you watch True Blood or Vampire Diaries, you know what this means. Vampires need to be invited in before they can enter your house, and once you invite them in, you’re dead.

(Marcos was also trapped into calling for snap elections, which paved the way for his ouster.)

Duterte should just ignore this latest UN statement so it doesn’t get extended mileage. It won’t be that newsworthy if he doesn’t answer it. He should actually stop answering all attacks and criticisms directly. What he needs to do is hire a more aggressive spokesperson who can beat back the rabid yellow attack dogs like De Lima, Trillanes, Hontiveros, and Lagman. Andanar and Abella are too meek and civilized. It’s time to hire a pit bull.

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  1. The UN already prejudged Duterte. No point letting them investigate. There's no way they will be impartial.

  2. The biased and paid media by the Yellow cult is the culprit for all of the problems the government is facing now against international human rights. But if they interview the right people, which are the ordinary citizens, they will realize that what they heard from the media are not true and just merely propaganda against the government. But the writer is right. This might be a trap set up in connivance between international human rights and the yellow cult themselves to oust the President. Money talks and when it talks to these people, it's the root of all evil. International Human Rights is not clean, they can also be bought if the price is right. Why are they now looking into the alleged human rights violations in the Philippines, when there are more and massive human rights abuses in the Syria, Iraq and some other places in the Middle East, and even in the USA? I pressume it's all about money.

  3. It is useless to invite the UN "expert" because she already gave her judgement even before coming and it is clearly antagonistic towards the Duterte administration.


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