Bury Marcos where former presidents are buried

I have this perception that majority of the Filipinos have a dual stand on the issue of the Marcos burial. Most of them, I think, are open to let Marcos be buried at the 'Libingan' and at the same time hold a view that it's also fine if he cannot be buried there. In other words, ordinary Filipinos really don't care either way. They would rather be preoccupied with the daily grind for survival than be trapped on the endless issue of where to put who. However, since the people involved in the issue are not ordinary, for they are the kingmakers and title-holders, influential, etc., it continues to hound and nag ordinary mortals like us.

Why is this so? The issue has taken a life of its own that continues to divide the country between two parties of loyalists, the Marcoses and the Aquinos. It has become a stuff of legend, that could possibly end up as a caricature copy of the kind of party system they have in the U.S.: the Democrats and the Republicans.

There, it's red (GOP) vs. blue (Dems). Here, it's yellow (Aquino) vs. red, white and blue (Marcos)

So what's my take on the issue?

To settle the issue and end the controversy, the ideal scenario for me would be a president (not necessarily the present one) not to appear to be taking sides. How to do that? Well, let me give myself as an example.

If I'm the president, I will allow the burial of Marcos in the 'Libingan' for the sole purpose of ending the episode of having the remains of a former president out there instead of being in the proper place where it's supposed to be.

We're supposed to be a Christian nation. How come we cannot move on from the past? Where is forgiveness if we really see ourselves as Christians? (To be clear, I'm not really a practicing anything). Where is the love? (Ooops, sorry BEP).

Marcos will be buried in the section where former presidents are buried. He's a former president, therefore he is entitled to be buried along with former presidents. Common sense. With regard to him being a 'bayani', the followers can continue to argue on that subject as long as they want. In other words, I will give Marcos his due as former president and have him buried where we bury our former presidents. End of the story.

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  1. You're right!

    //We're supposed to be a Christian nation. How come we cannot move on from the past? Where is forgiveness if we really see ourselves as Christians? (To be clear, I'm not really a practicing anything). Where is the love? (Ooops, sorry BEP).

    Marcos will be buried in the section where former presidents are buried. He's a former president, therefore he is entitled to be buried along with former presidents. Common sense. With regard to him being a 'bayani', the followers can continue to argue on that subject as long as they want. In other words, I will give Marcos his due as former president and have him buried where we bury our former presidents. End of the story.//

    True. Heroism is relative. Therefore, Marcos deserves a LnmB burial. Salute to the one who defended Sabah as part of Philippine territory. Also, I cannot stand Hypochristians pretending to be concerned about human rights. They're only doing fashion statements... those self-entitled hypocrites, when will they just shut the eff up and move on?


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