Hypocrisy in Filipinos' "concern" for the alleged crimes of Ferdinand Marcos

If we are so damned concerned about the crimes against  humanity committed by the Marcoses and his minions during Martial Law, then why did we not form truth commissions and filed criminal cases against those who were still alive at the time Cory Aquino took to power?  Why did we focus on the loot and not on the murder, torture, rape, and forced disappearances?

Why have we reduced alleged victims of Martial Law into mere beneficiaries of a legislated indemnification?

Why on earth did we not even pursue the reopening of the investigation on the Ninoy assassination?

Why do we keep on using the unsolved horrors of Martial Law to fuel the fires of hatred and division, when we could have opted to seek the truth using legal processes and use it as the foundation for restitutive justice and reconciliation, and of moving on?

Why have we reduced the horrors of Martial Law into simply a political capital to feed the careers and fortunes of the elites who benefit from keeping it as such?

Antonio Contreras as posted on Facebook!


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