#WorldPressFreedomDay is a world powow backed by serious Big Corporate Journalism money

How can you take seriously all the mutual high-fivin' that went on during "World Press Freedom Day" after stopping to think that, really, "journalism" is big business with lots of capital on the table and lots of fortunes at stake?

These folks make the business of publishing "news" seem like it is some kind of gift to humanity from God himself. These people need to get over themselves. There is a reason why people sought alternative sources of information. They were let down by Big Corporate Journalism.

Nonetheless, the obvious truth around why Big Corporate Journalism has lost all credibility flies over the heads of its own executives as is evident in this lament issued by Rapplerette Glenda Gloria...

What is fueling hostility and animosity toward journalists, aside from political leaders and authoritarian regimes? (READ: RSF Index 2018: Hatred of journalism threatens democracies) 
These are questions we constantly ask ourselves as we come to grips with new norms that have been shaped by technology and as we try to serve a public that is changing in the way it seeks to view – and deal with –  the world. 
I raise these questions not to demean the people and companies that thrive in this new environment, but precisely to force me to better understand it.

The reason people like Gloria are baffled by the new order of things is because they are too far up their asses to really understand what they are up against. The very hierarchical nature of the big organisations that employ them is at the root of the very reason they fail. The networked space Gloria refers to in her own article is, by its nature, unforgiving to players that do not evolve and refuse to compete. And that, in essence, is why Big Corporate Journalism fails today.


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