It's called filtering out the noise and picking out the salient points @LeadPhilippines

Actually, Mr Arnel, it's called *picking out the salient points and filtering the noise*. The point that is quite evident here lies in the manner with which you respond to my brilliant article here:

It seems you have no other point to make other than to express the way you *feel* about certain things. Unfortunately for you, that's not the way things work in the world of modern critical evaluation. Unless you are able to clearly articulate convincing and objective counter-assertions to the excellent points I make, what you *feel* about stuff is, at best, largely irrelevant.

Do keep trying though.  :-D


For reference:

"LeadPhilippines: Seems @benign0 is resorting now to quoting my single tweets and disregarding other tweets I have on the issue of Kulo. Pathetic?"

"LeadPhilippines: @benign0 because you merely repeated what you already said, in more words and you thought you were more convincing? what a waste."


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