
Showing posts from June, 2015

Visiting students/athletes baffled by #Filipinos' lack of inclination to walk even short distances

While on the 2Go ferry from Cebu to Manila this past February, I met several young people from Kenya, some were students attending school in Manila, while others were athletes who were running in some sort of marathon in Cebu city. To put it mildly, they were quite appalled at the laziness of filipinos, when it came to walking very short distances. "We walk everywhere in our country" they proclaimed… "we cant understand why nobody walks here". So there you have it in a nutshell, get up off your lazy asses and do some walking, its good for you, will help reduce traffic, and will be good for the environment. Besides, whats with all you idiots falling for the trappings of Western culture,such as seeing an automobile as a status symbol? The auto dealers/manufacturers/banks must be laughing their asses off at you fools. Who on earth buys a new car,only to sit idly in traffic for hours, getting nowhere??? I can't believe the number of new cars i saw in Manila ...

#Filipinos: back to Sunday church after celebrating same sex marriage win in America

I am reminded of those friends who rainbowed their profile pics not knowing what it meant and reverted a few hours later upon learning the story behind the trend. In short, it's goddamn hip right now to be a supporter of same-sex-marriage. it is apparently a reason to party! party! party! wooo hooo! Even if the impact on your country means dick. Sunday naman balik ulit lahat sa simbahan where the priests scramble to condemn the act while the sheep nod their hollow heads in agreement. ----------------- This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!

Crossing the line from tolerance into forced acceptance: What next in the march to 'modernity'?

The homosexual lobby groups here in the US have become quite powerful. People have lost their jobs or have been sued just because their view doesn't agree with their company's support of the nationwide gay movement. Organizations like the Anti-Defamation League and the American Civil Liberties Union are pushing to have LGBT exposure in schools and churches. Right now it's not about tolerance anymore, they want forced acceptance and acknowledgement everywhere. America, just like Europe, has become so liberal and politically correct you cannot even do or say anything that appears to criticize any minority group without severe repercussions. This was bound to happen given liberalization, but I hope things will stay civilized. The rights and definition of marriage hasn't stopped there either. Now I believe the polygamists in the country want their nationwide right to have marriage licenses to marry multiple partners. We'll see what happens in the future. Filipinos...

European societies need to consider protecting their cultural identities from scam of liberalism and globalisation!

I read in an article that more Dutch are leaving the Netherlands than there are returning. There are also less Dutch having families. By migrating to another country you are also contributing to the slow end to the character of that nation. I can't help but feel that this was all planned from the start, to force all of Europe to unknowingly destroy their own individual cultural identities, and ultimately just mix altogether (along with immigrants) to just form a "European". This is happening without anyone realizing it. That's the path white countries are heading towards and I think it's a terrible fate. The EU was a scam. Multiculturalism, globalization, and liberalism have all been scams. What's it going to take for the Dutch to become more conservative, more nationalistic, and fight for their existence and heritage? When their population is down to 50% in their own country over the next several decades? In any case, I wish the best for the Dutch and the...

Modern societies at risk of social unrest when overly 'free' and 'open'

If a country is "free and open" like the Netherlands it's going to cause immigrants to move there, illegal or not. Once you have many peoples of different ethnic backgrounds, orientations, cultural beliefs, political ideologies, and economic statuses coming to your country all those groups will start to campaign for every right and privilege in their interests. Once that happens, the majority population will be silenced and will not be allowed to speak against it in fear of being labeled racist or discriminatory. In other words, they slowly become a minority in their own country as it transforms into nothing but a liberal secular cesspool with no real heritage, culture, or standards. It then leads to more liberalization of virtually everything in society. This is slowly happening here in the US, as well as Britain, France, and other European countries. It's happening in all predominantly white nations and causing whites to depopulate annually. The global liberal a...

#Binay resigns: #Aquino’s free-fall starts

"The man got fed up, or perhaps as a veteran politician simply had a good sense of timing. He resigned from Aquino's student-council government, and has come out fighting. It could mark the start of Aquino's free-fall, as a similar incident did for Estrada in 2000. "Going by Filipinos' political psychology and the country's political dynamics, Aquino is in big trouble, that he might not even be able to finish his term. "If I were a mythmaker, I'd even say that a vice president's resignation has been the letters on the wall for a President's fall. Then Vice President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo – saying to hell with then President Estrada's popularity – resigned her Cabinet post in October 2000. "Three months later, he fled Malacañang." ---------------- Read the full article on the Manila Times!

What constitutes 'hate symbols' depends on who writes history

It's also funny that here in the US they've practically banned the display of the crucifix on every public building. Even the nativity scene is pretty much banned from public display during the Christmas season. But that didn't stop the world's largest Jewish menorah from being lit on the White House lawn in Washington DC every year. The menorah is the symbol of Hannukah, which celebrates a military victory of Jewish extremists against the Greeks in Jerusalem. In addition to slaughtering Greeks, these radical fundamentalist Jews also murdered other Jews that had assimilated into the Greek way of life. This is what Hannukah really commemorates. If today's America can't openly tolerate the Christian crucifix or the Confederate battle flag because they are "hate symbols" then why allow the Jewish menorah to be displayed in the nation's capital right outside the US President's home? That's because whatever symbols are deemed acceptable depe...

Freeing one's self from the #Philippines' victim culture requires a balance between humility and assertiveness

And when somebody tries to free himself of that mentality, a few would call him names "pasiklab" "mayabang", etc. The worse that I heard from an elder is "know your place, son." (lumugar ka!). I know humility is an important virtue. So is being assertive. I think they are equally important because the first will make one respect others and their authority and the second will give self-respect that even the authorities should acknowledge and recognize. The problem with the Filipinos that I know is they have incorrectly applied the first and almost have none of the second. They have mistaken humility to being passive and submissive even if it will cost them too much. I remember the movie "A Bug's Life." The grasshoppers made the ants believe that they are worthless, too small to fight back the hoppers hence they should serve them. I can see most Filipinos in those ants and they're rejoicing when the circus performers arrived and mista...

Rather than demonize the #Marcos years, #Filipinos should take on board the good and learn from the bad

My father and his family were anti-Marcos but he even thought martial law under Marcos was not that bad because it was relatively quiet, citizens were well behaved, and crime was low. Although you had to fall in line, follow the nightly curfew, and not be openly critical against the government, this would be the last time in Philippine history that the masses were a mostly disciplined population. The Marcos era (in general) was also the last time Filipinos had some respect on the world stage and were taken seriously by the international community. Am I saying we should return to Marcos style rule? Of course not. But it shows how a strongman can influence an entire country's outlook, if only today's generation would stop demonizing that whole time period and learn to adopt what was gained from those years on top of acknowledging what was bad. Instead the country continues to act like the Marcos era never existed in order to repeat the same tired trends that began with Cory and h...

#Philippines tourism a tough sell due to low value proposition!

The country just really isn't competitive for tourism. I've experienced it when backpacking and taking holidays around Southeast Asia – for most people, it's one of the places they'll visit last, if at all, when they've already done the more convenient mainland and the more tempting and diverse islands of Indonesia. By the time you get here after all that, the beaches are worse, the taxi drivers ditto, the cities stink, value for money is MUCH worse on accommodation and food (say goodbye to cheap and cheerful street eats), and there's a noticeable lack of culture – instead of the appealing 'exotic,' you see cheap and nasty replicas of Spanish churches and American fast food. When researching and getting ideas for my trips along the way, the Philippines was hardly represented in books and websites I came across featuring the purported best sights/trips/foods of Asia / the world (a book of 1000 foods to eat before you die didn't even mention it. ...

#Democracy in the #Philippines is more about big names and less about big IDEAS

The supposed real value of democracy is that anyone with a real dream and vision can represent the people and set out to do this. The funny part is the Philippines has had those great mayors but guess who always ends up in the ballots in this great democratic setup of the country? Mostly inept leaders who captured the sympathy of the people who aren't well educated to understand that EXACT value of the democratic system! And the ones who did real practical effort make enough enemies to get themselves exposed and demonized. The country has never really voted anyone out peacefully nor have they ever given the full blessings to a leader. The 1986 Constitution was simply a peaceful takeover with the proper propaganda to run it. No one will say it that way because the winners can write history the way they want to. And the country has gone through at least two people power coups and numerous attempts. The same people who valued democracy so much that they forget to read the fine lin...

Need for '#diversity' is eroding American #meritocracy

Last year I attended a seminar where a guest female speaker spoke about her experiences earning her degree while being a Latina in a predominantly white university. She began advocating that universities should hire more staff members of Latino background in order for the Hispanic students to have people to relate to. And I'm sitting there thinking 'I can't believe I'm hearing this.' This 'need for diversity' isn't just limited to the tech industry, it's everywhere. Many are still under the impression that companies hire based on a candidate's qualifications. But in today's increasingly liberal America that is slowly becoming less and less the case. You can see this push for multiculturalism and minority empowerment in so many facets of society now, it's even saturated throughout the media. Everyone needs to represented regardless in some way that it has become a nationwide neurotic obsession. Just recently, Facebook founder Mark Zuck...

#Bangsamoro trouble: Moro Islamic Liberation Front represents narrow and dangerous interests

I am from Mindanao, but I am not a Muslim. That fool, Aquino, has glossed over the fact that the indigenous peoples of Mindanao, the Lumads, outnumber the Muslims and were here before the Muslims came. When the Muslims came to Mindanao, they tried to destroy the Lumads by driving them out of their lands and extracting annual slave tributes from them. To this day, a lot of bad blood exists between the Lumads and Muslims. Now we have a president who is once again stoking the fires of enmity. He is giving a clean slate to a terrorist group that represents a narrow and dangerous set of interests. While Christians and Lumads have succeeded in coexisting peacefully, Aquino is now empowering a group that has divided the Muslims by enabling them to further their dangerous agenda. Make no mistake about it. Mindanao isn't the only thing the MILF wants. -------------- This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!

@MsLeaSalonga's bashers should focus on proving her wrong INTELLIGENTLY rather than act like crybabies!

What are we to celebrate every June 12? If we are considering independence from Spain, perhaps that is the right reason. However, we should remember that after Spain we had two colonizers. Even after World War II, we are still, for the most part, clinging on to the US for aid. So to me, June 12 should be reviewed if we are to consider seriously "freedom." I can see different perspectives here: (1) Lea may have a problem keeping her mouth shut or she seem to be a brat and (2) some Filipinos are not used to hearing straightforward messages. I cannot go with (1) because it is not for me to judge her. I go with (2) because I can only react based on what expressed. And messages such as that should be accepted maturely. I even want to thank her for not sugar-coating it. Please read Lea's message beyond it's text. It is not anti-Filipino at all. I can see a wake up call, a challenge. True we should remember and thank the ideas and the lives of those who fought for ...

A 4-step guide on how to hijack an 'autonomous region' from an idiotic national government #Bangsamoro #Philippines

How to earn 5 million pesos + 70 billion pesos, your own army, your own police and eventually your own country: 1. Fight the government and kill tens of thousands of its police, soldiers and civilians. 2. Bomb as many crowded places as you can. 3. Engage in piracy, extortion, kidnapping, beheading, smuggling, gunrunning. 4. Demand independence from an idiotic government Warning: Do not try this in China or any other normal country to avoid certain execution. This only works in The Philippines, nowhere else. ---------------- This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!

Pwede-na-yan products of #Philippines sports program bring shame to #Filipinos!

Manny Pacquiao or some local singer or performer who made it big on international stage are NOT a product of the Philippine system. If anything, just like in case of Pacquiao, the system drove him to become a boxer because he had NO OTHER OPTIONS to make a living. Filipinos have NOTHING substantial support to have enabled Pacquiao to improve his game to what he is today, he can thank his Training Coaches for that. And NO, prayers and tweeted moral support do not count. Now here you have athletes that are supposed to be the PRODUCT of the Philippine Sports Program. A Sports program by your National Government that REPRESENTS the Pinoys. A Sports Program FUNDED BY your pinoy taxes. A Sports Bureau managed by heads APPOINTED by the government leaders pinoys ELECTED. Now looking at those circumstance, its obvious that pinoys have MORE AT STAKE in these divers compared to Pacquiao. ----------- This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion! http://getrealphilippines...

The consequences of the #Philippines' habit of being ill-prepared!

The idea of sending unprepared, ill-trained athletes to compete in a sporting event sums up how the Philippines does business. Do you remember the Hong Kong bus hostage incident when they sent those police to storm the hijacker?  We all know what happened. Now in sports, history really repeats itself specially if you live in the Philippines. -------------- This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!

National excellence in #sports mirrors the national character

A good head rests on a good body. That was the ancient anthropology. That was the rationale and foundation of the Olympics. The idea could only come from Greece, the seat of ancient intellectualism and reason, whose influence is still very much evident today. When the elites of the Roman empire needed to educate their youth, they imported Greek philosophers and teachers. That accounted for the powerful and widespread impact of Greek thinking in Western thinking, an offshoot of the empire. That thinking is still very much felt today because underneath every politics through all the ages is that longing to be somehow be that Roman republic in its glory. Against that background, there was no way that Gnosticism could flourish. Gnosticism was, and is, a multi-headed beast, but one of its major tenets is that matter is a fallen, inferior form of being, produced by a low-level deity. The soul is trapped in matter, and the whole point of the spiritual life is to acquire the gnosis (knowle...

#Filipinos are not in the same league as #Germans

The Germans have a history of greatness, from Bach to Beethoven to Gutenberg to Luther to Bismarck to Einstein. Germany today is the only country that is keeping the European Union economy afloat. Wherever Germans immigrate to they develop model societies thanks to their incredibly high standards. We're talking about HUNDREDS of years of contributions to the development and history of modern civilization. Nobody said Filipinos are not helping out, but they are NOT the ones who laid down the blueprints for achieving successful living conditions and quality infrastructure. They, like most other Third World immigrants, are the ones who have learned from the builders of modern society such as the Germans, English, Spanish, etc. Filipinos are no different and don't stand out in terms of anything other than being taught to be part of the labor force whose foundations were laid down by someone else. --------------- This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion! http:...

Expats of excellent societies bring real value to their adopted countries

Last time I checked it is East Asia that is adopting Western values, standards, and innovation, not the other way around. For example, take Korea. Before 2006 their automobile industry was terrible. But after Korean car companies Kia and Hyundai hired Peter Schreyer, a German automobile designer, to take control the Korean car industry has been exploding ever since thanks to him. Too bad the Koreans are the ones hogging the credit. Let me tell you, wherever Germans go they take their high cultural standards with them. In America the US states that dominate best livability have the highest percentages of German heritage. In Africa the Germans colonized what is today Namibia, whose capital city Windhoek has been dubbed the cleanest capital in Africa while ranking top 10 most livable African cities and top 3 least corrupt. German immigrants also settled mainly in South Australia, whose capital city Adelaide was awarded Australia's most livable city by the Property Council of Austr...

The way #Filipinos routinely over-compensate by over-representing themselves

Here's a true story I'd like to share. I was part of the international council at my university and we had a downtown parade where students from different countries would participate. The idea was that one country would be represented by one student carrying their home country's flag. I couldn't carry the Philippine flag because someone else had already taken it. So on the night of the parade we saw everyone and their flags marching, but then to my surprise the Philippines were being represented not by one, but by multiple Filipinos carrying multiple Philippine flags instead. I'm standing there thinking "What the heck are they doing?" The other students from the other 15 or 16 countries were following the rules, so why did the Filipinos have turn around and overrepresent themselves like that? Bunches of Filipinos would gather at the corners shouting "Yeah, go Philippines! Pinoy Pride!" it just felt very unsettling and undeserving. I don't...

#Filipino-American balikbayan visiting the #Philippines baffled by blatant colonial mentality!

I'm in Manila right now. I'm a 1.5 generation immigrant to the U.S., and it is my first time back after 11 years. I'm basically American in every way, but I understand and speak Tagalog. I haven't been wearing makeup due to the heat, and my attires have been low-key ie just been wearing dresses to combat the oppressive heat. My point is, I'm not the type of balikbayan who scoops up department store discounts. I've been to a couple of stores, and I'm guessing due to my appearance (I hiked Mt. Pulag and I'm quiet DARK), none of the assistants would give me the time of day. Same in restaurants, I've had to seek out the host to ask for a table. What gives? It's not until I speak in perfect American English that I'm treated like a person. I didn't experience this in the provinces. Just in the capital. So despite being fluent in Filipino, I've been speaking almost exclusively in English just so service workers will give me the time of d...

#Filipinos: The United States's invisible minority

As I never lived in the US, I can't speak for Filipino-Americans or as a Filipino migrant. I have, however, had my share of working alongside Americans as well as frequent visits there. While our media loves to show all the postive things about us in the US (no matter how small they may be), the truth is that we are barely existent in the eyes of Americans. This is not just in America but pretty much every developed country does not see our people as significant. The average American doesn't even know where Philippines is or what we are. It's sad really. You only need to look at Hollywood; when was the last time we were featured in a major film or TV show? When was the last time a Filipino character was portrayed in TV? Just go out and about and speak to the locals. They'll ask you where you're from and the moment you utter, "Philippines", they simply stare at you as if they don't know what to say or aren't even interested in continuing the c...

Bygones be bygones: #BongbongMarcos should be evaluated as his own man rather than as 'a Marcos'

I don't think it is about Bongbong Marcos being "guilty of his father's alleged sins." It is just that this is an emotional issue for a good many. In my case, it was my family, or our clan to be exact, that was one of those that was directly hit by the systematic grab by FM of profitable businesses. Our old people in the family owned the magnetite iron mines in the North. The business was no near in size to say, those of the Lopezes, Jacintos, etc, so it didn't warrant any headline when it was grabbed as say when ABS-CBN, Meralco, Iligan Steel Mill, San Miguel, Metrobank, Security Bank, etc were taken over by Marcos henchmen. No, we were never in that league, and yet it was taken over — maybe, Marcos saw its future potential. It was one of those that pioneered in export business and counted big names like Sumitomo, Mitsubishi, etc among its regular and satisfied clients. I was very young then, but I can remember it afforded us comfortable living. I can talk li...

If #BongbongMarcos runs for president, it'll be a new ball game for #Philippines politics

If Bongbong Marcos files a candidacy for the presidency in October, that act by itself (just the filing) will be a symbolic slap in the face of PNoy. It would an insult on the Aquinos, even if Bongbong himself is married to one who is of the Aquino clan. The downside of that is that 2016 will deteriorate into personal attacks. Because it will be personal, media will focus on Bongbong vs PNoy's candidate, but really, directly or indirectly, on PNoy himself. Binay and all the rest of the candidates will be fighting for air-time, but would end up as bystanders to the whole drama. This drama could only play out in 2016, not in 2022. If that drama plays out, Binay could say goodbye to all his ambitions. If he is smart, however, he will kind of wiggle his way that it will be made to appear he is on the side of PNoy, but still deliver the message that he is his own independent self. But, that would be a tricky proposition, very complicated for tacticians and strategists. If Binay mana...

Truth revealed as Yellow Propaganda in the #Philippines unravels under #PNoy's watch

I grew up in the generation where the "YELLOW PROPAGANDA" was very strong. I started my education with the firm belief that the name Marcos was synonymous with turmoil, death, hardship, and despair. That the Philippines was a hellish place during their reign. But as I grew up, I began to question the teachings I grew up with. I hear stories of how prosperity and economic growth was prevalent in the Marcos administration. Of how the Philippines was viewed as the next superpower of Asia. I heard the various accomplishment and projects implemented, Jobs generated, and how the crime rate was near non-existent. My grand parents, their elder peers also testified that during the time of Marcos, life in the Philippines was viewed as a Haven and was put on a pedestal. But as most things in this world, nothing last forever. Due to the machinations of those people in the shadows, the once haven was smeared with controversy and scandal. And truthfully, the people rallied under the ...

Media focus on politicians rather than national issues impoverishes the #Philippines

Philippine news full of politicians names and their grandstanding. Unang ipinapasok sa isip ng tao ang kung sino ang laman ng issue at bakit siya pinag-uusapan. Kaawa-awang mga Pilipino. Hirap na nga mag-isip pinapaliit pa lalo ang kukote. Like for example, "Marcos rejected BBL". I've nothing against Sen. Bongbong no, magaling siya. But see if the news headline goes like "BBL cannot pass in it's present form" or something like that then people will first think "Why? Anong nangyari? Bakit hindi na papasa?" or "This is interesting. What could this possibly mean?" they would first want to know the details of the issue. 'Pag sinabi mong "Marcos rejected BBL" the focus is more on what Marcos did or achieved. Another example is 'yang ibinabalita ng Inquirer at Philippine Star. Ultimo pagtanggap ng pangulo ng standing ovation sa Japan big news sa kanila. And that's exactly the point of their article, that PNoy receive...

#Election2016: #GracePoe today is like Noynoy Aquino was in 2010 - perceived as 'honest' and not much else

Back in 2010, Noynoy Aquino was also perceived as "honest". Look at what we have become. We need a President that can answer the questions in this article not another President with a catchy surname. BTW, Grace has been a senator for 2 years only (2013 election) and yes hasn't accomplished anything significant. --------------- This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!

God is #Filipinos' favourite excuse for their laziness and lack of imagination

Don't you think God might be more pleased with you all if you got off you lazy asses and tried to help YOURSELVES now and then, instead of waiting for Him to do it for you? You seriously expect God to come and pick up your litter, fix your infrastructure, or stop you cheating each other? Not all Filipinos are lazy and stupid. Quite true. But too many of them are. So you get ONE hard-working and smart person who goes abroad, guilt-tripped into sending money back to five or ten useless relatives back home. So yes, those OFWs do suffer a lot - not "for the sake of their children", but because their countrymen expect them to. Of course, no point telling you this. Everything you've written was taught to you in school and by the mainstream press. If there's one thing Filipinos are good at, it's believing comforting lies passed around by politicians. ------------ This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!

Laziness and lack of trust among #Filipinos hinder progress in the #Philippines

This attitude is precisely why the country is failing: the obsession with MONEY as the be-all and end-all of everything. I live in a rural community where 80% of the men spend their days drinking, starting petty squabbles, or getting girls pregnant. They complain that they have no choice because there "aren't any jobs" (although, curiously, they always seem to find money from somewhere for Red Horse and cockfighting). Every single one of them owns several hectares of land, and every single hectare stands either abandoned or laid waste (trees cut for charcoal, over-ploughed, or over-sprayed with poisons). A dozen of those men could get together as friends and bring one man's farm to a productive state within three months. They could collect seeds from the hedgerows or from rotten produce at the market. They could repeat the favour for each member of the group. The only requirement for money would be for feeding the work team: at local prices, I'd say PHP100...

Pure rule by majority not necessarily compatible with Rule of Law principle

Republics exercise governmental authority through mediating representatives under the rule of law. Pure democracies on the other hand exercise governmental authority through the imposition of the will of the majority without regard for the concerns of any minority – thus allowing law to be subject to the whims, fashions, and fancies of men. The Founders designed federal system of the United States so that the nation could be, as John Adams described it, a "government of law, not of men." The Founders thus expressly and explicitly rejected the idea of a pure democracy, just as surely as totalitarian monarchy, because as James Madison declared "democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives, as they have been violent in their deaths." The rule of the majority does not always respect the rule of law, and is...

#Philippines' claim to #SpratlyIslands as good as lost to #China

The Chinese have no intention of invading. All they want is what is under the water. Come back in 5 years time the Chinese will have oil rigs of the coast as far as the eye can see, and pipelines sucking everything up and sending the oil and gas back to the mainland. In 5 years time Filipinos will still be standing on the beach going on about how "we will defend what is ours" whilst the Chinese sit on the oil rigs big smiles on their faces and 2 middle fingers waving in the air at the Philippines. If the Chinese wanted to invade they would send 300 girl guides. No need to send soldiers. ----------------- This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!

Malaise in #Philippines society caused by lack of understanding of root causes

Why do Filipinos always vote for corrupt politicians? Because corrupt politicians can afford to donate to the catholic church and 90% of our population is catholic. Believed that Cory is a saint? Ill-informed and uneducated and believe everything the politicians or media says. Again Cory was supported by the catholic Church. TV programs are crap yet people watch it? TV stations are for profit and their audience are the masses that lacks education and doesn't care about anything but food they can get for the next meal. And then, they'll breed more and more. Point being, don't crucify the sick but find the cure. Did I say religion is the main culprit? Go figure. I still believed that there are more good Filipinos than bad and if we want things to change for the better we have to change our government. Democratic government didn't and will never work for us because the masses are not educated enough about how an elected official should serve the people. Catholic ...

#Charity: Good for the soul but NOT for an entire country like the #Philippines

Filipinos should understand that just because their intentions are good on one little thing doesn't mean they will actually make a difference as a whole. For example, giving a few loose coins to that beggar across the street will neither help the beggar escape poverty nor actually take even the slightest step to solve poverty. It's something a lot of people just to gain approval to the tune of 'hey guys look, I just helped a poor old hungry woman by giving her a couple of coins, that means I'm a kind person blah blah' and then what? Did anything change? Instead of being sincerely kind and compassionate towards our own family, say for example, as a teenager, 'I will save up and not indulge in unnecessary spending with my friends going out to movies, replace my 2 month old phone because it's not popular anymore etc etc etc when my parents can barely pay for my education' - this kind of sensitivity towards what actually helps your family and your future...

#Filipinos' uncivilized behaviour hinders #Philippines' progress

I often wonder why Filipinos can't behave in a "civilized" way in their own home country. It is known that we are striving to become a first world country, yet at the same time the behavior of our countrymen betrays this aspiration. IF you are striving for first world status, you won't be: 1. rude, undisciplined and inconsiderate -The opposite would be true. 2. overly emotional; -we would think before we acted and tried to base national stands and decisions off good information. 3. lack a sense of self-responsibility; – instead we would choose national leaders who are deserving of that position and patronize media that give us good quality programming. 4. rely heavily on external factors and forces for validation; – instead we should develop indigenous capabilitites to create capital and defense materiel. 5. take criticism and alternative approaches/points of view very poorly; – we shouldn't follow our current national leaders who would g...

#Filipino society is almost IMPOSSIBLE to fix!

Scandinavian person here. I totally agree with this post but you can't apply it to EVERY Pinoy. Although I would say that most filipinos i have met (including relatives) have these traits. You have to ask why though. Maybe lack of education? For example, based on my knowledge of North Korea, you can't really say to the vast majority of the citizens there that western countries aren't the devil. Most probably believe that the US is ready to invade anytime soon. They just don't know better. I think you can apply that to most Filipinos. They just don't know better. And can you blame filipinos for not knowing better? I am saying "they" not as a racist remark, but only because i am not filipino (don't know how to adress them better perhaps). The politicians definitely know better and they do everything to keep themselves and their colleagues in power. That's why they "pardon" each other all the time even though the crimes are really bad. A...

#PNoy Aquino, the first President to lose #Philippines territory! #SouthChinaSea #Sabah

"Because of China's aggressiveness and as a result of our bungling confrontation with the superpower in  2012, and the stupidity - and out-of-place belligerency - of President Aquino and his officials, Chinese ships now permanently occupy Panatag Shoal, and our coast guard vessels and even Filipinos seamen are now barred from entering it. "We have lost Bajo de Masinloc, and the 60 ancient maps that Supreme Court Justice Antonio Carpio says prove our claim aren't worth the price of photocopies of those maps he had collected. The US defense department's recent rattling of its sabers, warning China's behavior in the South China came a bit too late for us." Read the full article by Bobi Tiglao on the Manila Times: