Abuse of #PorkBarrel caused by failure of control system of Exec branch of #Philippines gov't

The gov't has a lot of money, generated from taxes, from VAT of 10% to EVAT of 12 %. Everyone buys, and everyone pays sales taxes. There is Sin Taxes, many drink and smoke, hence more taxes. That is why legislators know that PDAF can be funded. There is Malampaya Fund, which keeps on getting revenue.

There is a lot of money at the disposal of government. Check and balance on the use of these money is always subject to negotiation, and horse trading. The Supreme Court cannot do anything about these things because it is the Legislative prerogative. The SC can only make judgement on its misuse or abuse, but cannot prevent its existence.

Only the Executive can regulate the use and disposal of these appropriated funds. Any misuse can only be determined much later when COA audited the use of funds. I agree with COA Chair Pulido-Tan, what happened to misuse or abuse of PDAF is the failure of the control system, which is the role of the Executive. Minding the control system will clean up the augean stable, and realize the 'matuwid na daan'.

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