Bongbong Marcos favoured in the VP race if Smartmatic had not changed script

I've been chuckling at the defensive posts of partisans who say that if a recount is done it should be for all.

This is of course my gut feel as the evidence is still hazy, but if a recount of the votes for president is done, I expect a HIGHER count for Du30 like 20-m votes, with Poe and Binay fighting for second place.

At the vice-presidential level, it's a toss-up between Robredo and Marcos, with the scales tipping in his favor if the script change didn't take place. And I would think that Cayetano got much more than what was reported for him.

As for the senatorial race, some who made it will probably have a lower count, some would be out of the magic twelve and some who were out  would get in, assuming the count is done right and accurately reported. 

The only way to find out if there was e-cheating, and to what extent, is to conduct that widely requested security and platform audit to determine whether a breach took place that would have altered the count. But then that's like asking a thief to look in his loot bag.

All I can say is that we're still a long ways off from a living democracy. There's a lot of transformation to do to make things right and get real nation-building going for a better Philippines for all. It's all hands on deck or what we call a "whole of nation" approach. HUA?

Rafael Alunan III as posted on Facebook:


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