What will replace the pork barrel if it is abolished? #pdafscam #porkbarrel

Commentor "Thomas Jefferson" says:

I have questions too. Assuming the pork barrel is abolished… What will replace it? I was thinking of a fully accountable/audit friendly itemized budget with complete oversight by the Commission on Audit. If reforms are to be made… COA should have total independence to control and stop abuses in graft and corruption. There is also the issue of the Ombudsman and the Sandiganbayan. Total independence from the control of the dictator must be re-established also in co-equal and co-independent bodies. What about us constituents? How will we be served in terms of livelihood projects and programs, scholarships, medical/health assistance, disaster relief, etc. etc.? Should not the pork be renamed as Constituent Assistance Plans and Programs? Fully accounted for and audited with the respective prosecution and courts ready to battle graft and corruption without fear or favor. I say selection of reputable contractors should replace these so-called NGO conduits of graft and corruption. Restore checks and balances! Down with the dictator BS Aquino! Impeach or remove him! He should not have a PHP 1 Trillion Pesos Pork Barrel. BS is the bad example and the cause of all this graft and corruption!

benign0 says:

Can't the disbursement of these "priority development" funds be done via the existing resource allocation channels already existing in the Executive branch of government? Since the Exec branch comprises every executive and administrative post from the president and cabinet secretaries down to mayors and councilors, there is no reason why decisions surrounding the allocation of these funds cannot be made with local constituencies well-represented in the process.

Again it goes back to the simple principle that legislators are not executives/administrators who run the operations of a country. They make and debate laws. That's all there is to their jobs.



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