Filipinos have a history of starting what they can't finish

Recently, in Basilan, Mindanao another tragic clash between the AFP and the MNLF occurred. What was decried as unexpected, unnecessary violence turned out to be the dead bodies of 19 soldiers and no reported MNLF soldiers. I want you to read that line over and over again until you find the hidden surprise. Have you found it? If not, I did not describe MNLF as insurgents, infidels, or terrorists. Why? Well, for starters that's not journalism, it's propaganda. There's enough propaganda waging the war against the MILF/MNLF as it is, I don't see a need for more. But I digress.

The point of this article is this: The ongoing struggle in Mindanao is a repetitive headline churner for one reason only. That reason is the result of a trait which many have, but Filipinos have perfected. From infrastructure to personal otangs (loans), Filipinos have been shirking personal responsibility and starting arguments which they can't finish for quite some time. Everybody wants to get the last word in, but nobody wants to reason out a solution. Once again, 'substance loses to appearance' in who is the more brash fighter, the loudest, most argumentative screamer, the best at accruing support even though they may have a strawman argument.

The Aquino Administration loves to take the spotlight and shine itself as the hero pursuing a peaceful resolution, but if this were a fact, the war would be well towards a finish. Looking at the events of Basilan, need I say any more?


  1. So absolutely accurate, for instance in peacemaking they create whole bureaucracy for it and wastes taxpayer money travel abroad here there and everywhere, how much money wasted on OPAPP since its inception? Scandalous amount I reckon!

    DFA is there, if not to suffice then appoint ambassadors with the specific of peacemaking, why not? I know government appoint spying diplomats, why not in peacemaking? We save tons of taxpayer money this way...

  2. "Once again, 'substance loses to appearance' in who is the more brash fighter, the loudest, most argumentative screamer, the best at accruing support even though they may have a strawman argument."

    That is a very good summation of what I have witnessed as well. I beg to differ that this is the cause of the problem in Mindinao though it is part of the problem to be sure. While the history of the Moro people is one of separation from the rest of the country all the governments of the past and the present one have failed to bring the Filipino people together. When any group feels disenfranchised from what they perceive to be the mainstream they will rebel. Rather then encouraging separation they need to promote inclusion, not only for the Moro people but for all Filipinos.

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