Federalism opens the EXCITING possibility of the Philippines finally dissolving as a nation in the next 10 to 20 years
Once federalism is in place in the Philippines then secession becomes a promising prospect amongst people within each of the autonomous states. That’s where things become even more interesting — and exciting. Minds should be open to the possibility that, perhaps, the Philippines may eventually dissolve and cease to be a "united" island nation over the next 10 to 20 years.
The Philippines, after all, is a nation by mere colonial edict -- an artificial country composed of kingdoms, tribes, and communities united by force and not much else. Indeed, the much-vaunted individual "success stories" of Filipinos overseas highlight the fact that Filipinos achieve more apart than together.
Perhaps it is time "Filipinos" confront the reality of who they are -- a people who collectively represent nothing of substance. Perhaps this sad reality could still be changed by considering a different trajectory for a people long imprisoned by a quaint legacy of Spanish colonial rule.
Intriguing.. What would the map look like?