'Fake news' should be defined properly first before it can be made a topic of debate

As far as I'm aware there's no such thing as "fake news" to private bloggers. "Fake news," it seems is just a fancy buzzword idiots use to describe propaganda. How can we even consider articles released by private bloggers as news or "fake" news if:

1. They are not a media conglomerate dedicated to publishing straight news;
2. They have obvious biases;
3. They don't even practice journalism.

However, what we can consider as "fake news" are articles released by self-professed news establishments that have wrong information or information that were purposely misconstruing to promote a certain agenda.

Take Rappler for example. Remember the fiasco with Resorts World and how the idiotic Ressa kept on spinning it as an ISIS- backed attack?

Or how about the recent brouhaha about a certain Global Impunity Index where the Philippines was a leader of which turned out to be from 2014?


Ronn Zantua as posted on Facebook.


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