Julia Abad, chief of the Presidential Management Staff, and daughter of Budget Secretary Butch Abad recently posted on her Facebook page a statement in defence of her father. She writes that the public should not let allegations made by Janet Lim-Napoles "shake our belief that a reformist public service is possible." She goes on to state "I am Julia Abad, government employee, wife and mother. And I am proud to tell you, Butch Abad is my father." On the one hand, this sounds like a testament to the Abad family's commitment to a tradition of public service. Considering Ms Abad's mother, Henedina Razon, now serves as Representative of Batanes, not a few Filipinos will see this as confirmation that, for the Abads, POLITICS is a FAMILY BUSINESS. Furthermore, it's a reminder that their family's close relationship with the Aquinos stretches back to 1989 when Butch Abad served as DAR Secretary. Not to be overlooked is the fact that the Abad family...
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