News of STC defying the court TRO by not allowing those kids to join graduation rites may be so last month, but I can't help but think that what we have here is someone emulating a "grand" example. That they defied the court TRO merely imitates Secretary De Lima's defiance of the TRO during Arroyo's departure. Oh well monkey see, monkey do. Then again, STC has two excuses: they can always say "De Lima made me do it!", or they can invoke possibly the most retarded excuse. "The law of God is above the law of men". Yeah, right. The kids may have been irresponsible with their Facebook settings, but what business did the STC nuns have peeping on them? Therein lies the dilemma of these self-righteous Catholic institutions. In a world increasingly becoming more secular and more connected through technology, they've lost all relevance by maintaining archaic, irrelevant, and downright moronic stances on issues. They are not the absolute...
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