Victims of drug-crazed addicts don't get 'trending' hashtags like #JusticeForKian

For the past few days I was doing research on a few things like I said. A new FB friend sent me a message telling me about a Dad in Dumaguete who lost his only daughter to a drug crazed addict who used 7 knives to stab her and a friend in Siquijor last April. I did the research, read up on everything and his recent "upheavals". I need not tell you all that I have no words to fully express how deeply this affects me because I am a single mom with a daughter too. His only daughter was even 3 - 4 months pregnant when she and her friend was mercilessly stabbed to death so many times by a drug addict.

Nino Pinero is a professor in Siliman University. He is a coach. Given what I have read about this gentleman, he is a very compassionate man, a loving father and being a coach to youngsters - deeply loved by his students. And I would like to give him his privacy in as much as I can. 100% respect for this man.

His recent "upheavals" came with the pronouncements of the CBCP against EJKs, Senators more inclined to protect drug addicts/ pushers and drug lords than victims and using a 17 yr old boy from Caloocan to further their political charades.
These two ladies received no rallies in their names. Senators never went to their wake. Priests never announced a tolling of the bells for them.

To lose a child... I have no words. I do not know how to reach out to Nino to comfort him even as my heart breaks for his loss.
But this much I can do for him and the countless number of victims murdered, raped, chopped up by drug addicts at the peak of their drug crazed hallucinations.
Being an addict is NOT a disease. It is a choice. So please, Senators, Priests and whoever thinks they have the moral high ground to preach to us - please do not romanticize  the ill-choices made by addicts. They are not disease-riddled assholes. They made a choice to become an addict and should be dealt with expeditiously. I personally prefer death to those caught red handed like the murderer who took Nino's daughter from him.

Please do not put the welfare of criminals ahead of the victims nor their families. 

They are the VICTIMS here and that should have counted for something if you truly valued "life" because these are kids - with a bright future ahead of them, they had ambitions, they had parents who loved them, they had friends who adored them. And they were raped or murdered, or both - for no reason except the perpetrator was high on drugs. Yet you have the nerve to declare these addicts as "victims" of EJK. Ring church bells for them, go on TV with your onion infected pretentious "tears", go on paid rallies proclaiming this war on drugs as a menace to society.

YOU are the menace to society.

Your lack of empathy to the families of those who are the real victims is offensive enough. Your apathy alone is telling of your political ambitions. It tells everyone what kind of a human being you truly are.

I don't want to wish the same level of grief on you and your undeserving tribe but I do and I will. Because until you know first hand how it feels to have your heart literally torn out of your chest, to have the air knocked out of your lungs, when you can't breath because its too painful to live without the people you love.. you will always side with criminals; because you are just like these addicts and pushers you protect. Criminals and a menace to all of us.
It is simply disgusting that you cannot even empathize with the real victims here and the families they left behind, all for your personal political agenda. 

As for these priests and the CBCP - you are a disgrace to the religion you represent. May church bells fall on your empty heads and crush your heartless souls.

For Nino Pinero and all the parents and relatives of real victims lost to drug addicts... we send our heartfelt love to all of you and hope, in someway, we've done our share of speaking up for those who are no longer with us.


Jenifer Aquino as posted on Facebook.


  1. Jenifer Aquino, you totally miss the point of the widespread public outrage over the death of Kian. While we grieve over the victims of drug addicts, that does not in any way justify extrajudicial killings (a classic ad misericordiam argument or one that appeals to pity rather than to reason). Condemning EJKs does not mean protecting criminals or putting their welfare ahead of the victims and their families. It only means that plain murders even of criminals are never justified, for if the police do so, they are no different from the criminals whom you abhor. Criminals have to be arrested, not summarily executed and the killing of these people whom you consider a menace to society is only justified if as a last resort, it is reasonably necessary for the police acting in self-defense to do so. Time and again, I quote Justice Gutierrez who said that "No matter how reprehensible a criminal's acts may be, he is still entitled to due process and to the constitutional protection accorded to all citizens. In the process of curbing criminality, the police and the military should not themselves descend to acts of criminality."

    1. You are the one who is missing the point. Why are retarded dilawans like yourself think it's okay to use Kian's death for propaganda.If the Police who killed Kian is found guilty then send them to Jail. But the media and the dilawans are so Bias. they don't care about the victims who were killed by addicts just like what happened in Bulacan. Did Hontiveros or trillanes visit those victims? no! so stop being a Hypocrite. I am happy that my barangay is drug free, I used to see most of my friends addicted to Shabu and I'll tell you it's really bad

    2. I agree with Severino. nakakasawa na yan lagi dilawan ang sinasabi. everybody deserves justice, Kian and the two girls that were mentioned here. wag na kayo mag maktol kung si Kian lang nagkaroon ng focus, may cctv kasi and police brutality is considered injustice hindi lamang kay Kian kundi para sa lahat. dahil pulis ang gumawa. wag na kayo mag compare. yung pumatay sa 2 babae nakakulong na ba? kung hindi pa, at kilala naman pagkatao nya, bakit hindi kayo sumigaw ng uhstisya s DOJ?? sa mga pulis na nakakasakop jan, bakit imbes na gumawa kkayo ng paraan para kumalat din ang tungkol sa kaso ng 2 babae na ito, ang ginagawa nyo, gumagawa kayo ng issue? namatay din ung bata dito, sa tingin nyo yung 2 babae lang may karapatn ipag laban ang justice? ang pamilya ni kian walang karapatan? imbes na humngi na lang kayo ng tulong sa mga tao na mapakalat din ang tungkol sa kaso nila, minamaliit nyo ung nang yari kay Kian, tapos bababa pa kayo sa level na i wiwish nyo sa ibang tao na mang yari sa kanila ung ganon, how low could you go?

    3. Mr. Brilantes - you sound very, forgive the pun, very brilliant.

      Can you clarify for me what EJK really means? Is it different from murder? You mentioned "plain murders, even of criminals"

      When is a killing an EJK?
      When is a killing a murder?

    4. To Answer: EJK means "extrajudicial killings" [extra = E. judicial = J. killings = K.] It's when you kill a person outside the law, but has been coined in media as the term used when victims are simply 'murdered outright.' NOTE: It is uncertain that the police carry out these crimes, but recent events have determined certain facts over the identities of such killings blanketed under the claim of Operation Tokhang and the War against Drugs of the Philippine government.

      Murder is killing a person outright with the INTENTION and PREMEDITATION. So this murderer thought about it and decided to act upon his thoughts/plans to kill someone else as in the example above.

      It's different than murder only in terms of context wherein the killer is suspected of delivering a "guilty sentence" which should be punishable by death (only the Death Sentence was abolished in the Philippines) and decided to carry out said punishment beyond the law.

      In the idea of EJK as coined in the Philippine context, it should be "the killing of a drug suspect or drug addict or any persons identified with illegal substance marked/identified by police or other members of society."


  2. Your thoughts are patently absurd. Jenifer did not basically promote EJK but on how we should feel for those who were hurt as they are humans too. I wouldn't want to pray for these such things to happen to you. Of course, I hope not that one day you'll have to feel what it's like to be in their shoes.

    1. tamang hinala oh. pa drug test ka muna. sana din hindi ka mapupunta sa kasaluyang lugar ng mga magulang ni Kian.

  3. Jenifer is indeed promoting EJK, otherwise the letter should be against the present administration to deliver justice.
    The letter is not about justice but just another pa-emo effect.

    1. What? did you even read the Letter. LOL Dilawan's are so dumb.

  4. LP, in cahoots with main stream media, business and military personalities who got sacked by PRRD will do everything, patheticaly exploit every situation particularly cases like Kian and so desperate besmear the current administration and eventually ouster PRRD hoping to get back in power which will never happen. Jessica is right on. 82% pro PRRD against 12% against, that's a no brainer!!!!

  5. Correct. Black propaganda by the dilawans. Nothing else.

  6. Though am busy, I had to spare a time to answer you 'Anonymous'.
    Ipapaliwanag ko sa iyo ng maikli ang pagkakaiba ng tinatanong mo o di mo maintindihan.
    Una, ang krimen ng mga adik o kriminal:
    Ang krimeng ginawa ng mga adik o kriminal ay 'liability' o pananagutan nila sa batas. Wala silang pananagutan sa akin o sa iyo o kanino man maliban sa mga kabahagi ng buhay ng nasawi tulad ng kanyang mga kapatid, magulang, asawa at iba pang mahal sa buhay.
    Samantalang ang krimeng ginawa ng mga alagad ng batas o kahit sinumang nagtatrabaho sa gobyerno ay malaki ang pagkakaiba.
    Sapagkat sila ay pinapakain, dinadamitan, pinapagaral ng buwis o pera ng taong bayan o ng kanilang biktima na dapat sana ay sila ang magbibigay ng proteksyon sa mga mga kriminal.
    Kaya sa bawat paglabag sa batas ng sinumang alagad ng batas ay pananagutan nya sa bawat Pilipino, sa iyo at sa akin dahil tayo ang nagpapasweldo sa kanila. Dito nagkakaroon ng distinksyon ang sinasabi mong bakit ang mga pulis lang ang pinupuna ng ilang Human Rights Advocates.
    Kasi kung pulis ang pumatay sa anak o asawa mo halimbawa, kanino ka tatakbo o hihingi ng saklolo, sa pulis din ba?
    Kaya dyan linikha ang Human Rights dahil nasa kanila ang patas na mandato na magimbestiga sa mga paglabag ng mga pulis.
    Hindi ba kwestyunable na magsumbong at humingi ka ng tulong sa mga pulis sa krimeng ginawa din ng mga pulis?


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