Your online persona reflects your real-life persona

Participants in new social media including online forums reveal a lot about themselves with the way they behave online. Some fool themselves into thinking that disrespectful behavior towards others is acceptable because they think that everything they do online is just an act or part of the game anyway. Unfortunately, what they think is just an "act" is actually the real them.

There are people who behave online as if they have been repressed all their lives; with the Internet giving them freedom for the first time. But instead of using their newfound "freedom" to communicate effectively, they use it to wreak havoc in small communities they are members of with their bad behavior.

Online anonymity can exacerbate brutish behavior the way drinking alcohol can. It can serve as a catalyst for those who are already predisposed to behaving like a buffoon. Typing away words from the safety of your armchair can give you a false sense of security and make you feel untouchable. It's too bad that there are people who do not realize that their online behavior can slowly catch up with them in the real world.

How are you behaving online?


  1. But online anonymity is sometimes a necessity formany people. I maintain different online personas. I may not act like an idiot on all of them but they all have different views that, on some, might get you persecuted in real life.

  2. The issue is not about online anonymity per se. It is how it can give some people license to act with total disregard for others.

  3. If this article is read to me aloud by you whom i do not know in person, i say “oh ok” or “i dunno” or *silence*.

    there are words that are hard to express in reality, that are easier to express by writing them down and sending them online in anonymity. for some people, i would say - like me, communicating through online anonymity is a way to SHOUT OUT ONE’S THOUGHTS INTO THE VOID, not necessarily expecting any form of response from the readers. my online words are mostly real thoughts; my spoken words are not all the time the real me (unless if i pretend to be schizophrenic in my bedroom). and this is also true vise-versa. there are spoken words that are hard to write down and sent online, especially if these words goes through massive workout of decoding neurons (e.g. speaking in Filipino, writing in English).

    when i write “bulsyet!” to an idea online, this is what I really wanted to express in my mind without caring about its impact to the readers whom i do not even know who (my id in action) but unfortunately cannot express in real life or i risk discrimination with those terrifying stares (my superego in action). because if i keep thinking about how others would feel about my written words, i rather than express anything.

    that's why the results of the test we get for oral communications are different from written communications. they are from two different brain pathways too.

    that's why online courtship is not as effective as real courtship...

  4. "Online anonymity can exacerbate brutish behavior the way drinking alcohol can. It can serve as a catalyst for those who are already predisposed to behaving like a buffoon. Typing away words from the safety of your armchair can give you a false sense of security and make you feel untouchable. It's too bad that there are people who do not realize that their online behavior can slowly catch up with them in the real world."

    How did you come up with this? Evidence-based dude. Been whacking people online, but I don't see myself doing that in real life. We play roles in the internet forums, that's all. It's fun. And how about you, you've been ANOY-nymous too. Are you now admitting that you're a sorry ass, many of your blogs seem to give me that impression. Tender cookie you! (-:

  5. "Been whacking people online, but I don't see myself doing that in real life. We play roles in the internet forums, that's all. It's fun."

    Sounds like somebody here has little control over much in the real world to the extent of having to take on a video game persona online to get his rocks off. Maybe you get "whacked" a lot in real life and the only place where you can "whack" back is in a digital world where acting like a buffoon attracts little consequence if any.

    Thing with losers is you can spot 'em a mile away. :-D

  6. I have kept many different personas over the years and acted the same as I would have in real life.

    The problem is that anonymity does give a licence to idiots to become trolls. I've trolled, but usually against racist morons on the net.

    Youtube is one with many bigots online. You can have an alias, but people would take you more seriously if you have video blogs. Your name may be anonymous, but your face or voice is online.

    I can understand why some would call for Google+ to allow aliases, but I can see that it would give free reign for more anonymous trolls. Facebook would survive the onslaught.

  7. @Anonymous #2

    Oh boy. It looks like someone is assuming that this little post of mine is about him. Too defensive much? wouldn't be too hard to guess who you are by your witless remark. There are a few people I noticed who just resort to name-calling just because they lack the skill to express themselves effectively. You are obviously one of them.

    *** Been whacking people online, but I don't see myself doing that in real life. We play roles in the Internet forums, that's all. It's fun.***

    It's fun? For who? Obviously not for people who are not playing your kind of game. I think it's pathetic that you have "fun" at the expense of others.

    Well, don't be surprised if the country remains one of Asia's basket case for a long time because people like you are not really serious about having a discussion anyway.

    Sorry to say but your bullying is no match for the power bloggers like us wield on the Net. If you can work on your wit, maybe you can have a better chance.


  8. @palebrowndot

    If you are just venting our your frustration on the Net, that is fine. It is completely different from swearing at another person or calling them names.

  9. @nemogbr

    You might be using different personas online but I'm sure you are not one of those who try and wreak havoc in different forums. It is evident in your polite comment. :)

  10. @palebrowndot


    If you are just venting OUT your frustration on the Net, that is fine. It is completely different from swearing at another person or calling them names.

  11. hi ilda! as usual, 'punaspwet' ka pa rin ni Benigno, the dork! kawawa ka naman, sidekick? o baka naman online mistress ka na niyan. (-:

    @Benigz: "Thing with losers is you can spot 'em a mile away."

    Speak for yourself Benigz, reading you is like watching a man about to hang himself. :-D Anyway, just drop a line when you're in town, you might want to get a ride inside this loser's latest collection. *wink

  12. Quite flattering to see you so fascinated about people's personal circumstances. Too bad you'll just have to keep on guessing like all the other losers. Glad to see you continue to enjoy reading all the brilliant content of the only network of insightful channels in our corner of the blogosphere - the Get Real Network. Hope to continue seeing you around, loser. :-D

  13. @Anonymous #3

    Zzzzz...I can respond to the type of comment people like you post even in my sleep.

    If I didn't have any talent like you, I'd probably resort to character assassination as well. But then again, watching an episode of Entourage would give me more pleasure.

    This is how I see it, if you really didn't care about our blogs, you wouldn't even bother to read them let alone leave a comment. So clearly, you are the loser here.

    You know what else makes you look like a loser? It’s your pathetic attempt at getting some kind of validation by bragging about your "ride". Dude, since you are anonymous, your "collection" fails the SO WHAT test. Hahaha!

    If you give us your name, maybe, just maybe, we will be impressed. :)

  14. Having been in the car business, I've found that most people who brag about their ride are the ones who have to ride the bus all the time.

  15. @Ben

    Or maybe he is just talking about the "collection" in the car dealer he works

    I wish he could show us some photos as proof.

  16. This post would read so much better if "anonymous" were unable to post inane

  17. @Hellraker

    Wouldn't that be great. ;)


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