STAMENT OF ATTY. FERDINAND TOPACIO, SPOKESMAN AND LEGAL COUNSEL OF FORMER FIRST GENTLEMAN JOSE MIGUEL ARROYO, ON REPORTS LINKING HIM TO THE ALLEGED MISUSE OF MALAMPAYA FUNDS. "Once again, the Aquino Administration is on a witchhunt, led by its Chief Inquisitor, the Secretary of Justice. And once more, it is once again making use of discredited methods of persecution such as innuendo, half-truths, convoluted logic and guilt by association, to pursue this nefarious end. "For the record, Atty. Jose Miguel Arroyo wishes to make the following of record, and invites anyone to check these facts for themselves using any means at their disposal: "1. Ruby Tuason is the estranged wife of his late first cousin, Carlos "Butch" Tuason, and therefore their relationship is one merely of affinity or law, and not of blood; "2.At the time the alleged transactions regarding the Malampaya funds are concerned, Ruby Tuason had been separated from Butch Tuason, who at t...